Last blog we introduced TSAT Accounting Solutions and their amazing services. But if you’re ever driving down 7th street here in Joplin, MO, you may have noticed something else on our sign. Today, we will explain the difference between TSAT and our B.A.C.K. program.

As you may have noticed from the image above, B.A.C.K. is an acronym for “Bad Ass Cash Koach”. You also may be wondering, what is Bad Ass Cash Koach about?!

B.A.C.K. is a finance program for the everyday person. The family of four, single moms and dads, college kids, people in the workforce for 1 year or 20 years, simply put… everyone! It is for the person who wants to take control of their finances!

In contrast, TSAT, run by our same Amazing team, is focused on the small business owner and their company, and provides financial services from Elite CFO Advising to tax services.

Back to B.A.C.K.: the financial struggle is real. Especially in this time, with Covid-19 sweeping across the country for the last year. B.A.C.K. is for you, the person who doesn’t see a way out, feels there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The person who has fallen victim to the same cycle of financial defeat. For you, the person who has tried other plans but have never found something that works: B.A.C.K. will help you develop a step-by-step plan based on the long-term tools to get your finances in order.

The B.A.C.K. program is led by Tabitha and her team who have the experience and desire to amaze all their clients. With B.A.C.K., you can become your own BAD ASS. B.A.C.K. is about learning how to become your version of financially successful; it is about when you as an individual or single parent have a small business mindset, but don’t know how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

In business, there is nothing better than using your own product and proving the results for others to see. Syvauna, a team member at TSAT, is a B.A.C.K. program user herself!

Tab helped to create my plan and in the first year I have reduced my debt by 20% already! I should be completely debt free by 2023! No Plan has ever worked this well for me in the past!” – Syvauna. She is a BAD ASS now!

B.A.C.K. is going to teach you how to achieve your own version of financial success as an individual, a single parent or as a small business owner. Take control of your finances with B.A.C.K.! Become your own BAD ASS!

Interested in learning more about B.A.C.K.? Click Here! or Contact Us Below!

Contact us! Accounting with TSAT is the Trusted Solution!

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